Trump Invokes Little-Used "Undercover Cop" Rule To Comey: "Am I Under Investigation? If I Am, You Have To Tell Me."

(Washington D.C.)  Following precedent set by stoners talking to people they think might be cops, President Trump asked then FBI Director James Comey if he specifically was under investigation. "If I am, you have to tell me," the President said.

Stoners like this one ask cops all the time if they are cops and, by law, cops have to tell them.

Stoners like this one ask cops all the time if they are cops and, by law, cops have to tell them.

"If you ask someone if they are a cop, they have to tell you if they are. Everybody knows that." White House Spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders said today in a briefing. "This is pretty much the same thing. If you ask someone if you are under investigation, if you are they have to tell you. So the President asked Director Comey if he was and the Director didn't tell him he was, so that means he wasn't and, more importantly, isn't."

The White House has been under pressure by liberals seeking an excuse for Hill-LIAR-y's loss to Trump in November, even going so far as to claim the Trump regime colluded with Russia to swing the election in his favor. The left continues to push this narrative even though the numerous connections between many, many people connected to Trump and agents of the Russian government where quid pro quo deals were hashed out in exchange for assistance kicking Hillary's ass are probably fine because Benghazi.

President Trump met with a bunch of Russians in the Oval Office, but I'm sure it's fine.

President Trump met with a bunch of Russians in the Oval Office, but I'm sure it's fine.

"It's a hoax. FAKE NEWS, I like to call it," Trump said from the Oval Office where he was posing for pictures with the Russian ambassador and some guy who Russia said was a photographer. "FAKE NEWS, that's what it is. I asked Comey, I said, ' Comey, am I under investigation, and remember, if I am, you HAVE to tell me.' And he didn't, so right there proves it. I'm not under investigation and everything's cool," he said while the Russian photographer placed what appeared to be a fountain pen on a shelf behind a gold-embossed American Eagle with Trump's face he had made from the profits of contractors he didn't pay. "Everything's fine, believe me," he said.


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