Trumpcare To Save Millions From Embarrassment Of Being Helped By A Black

(Washington, D.C.)  Working to solve the most egregious problem created by the 2011 passage of the Affordable Care Act, the Senate this week worked on a bill that will strip healthcare from millions of Americans, healthcare that was given to them by an inferior mud person, Barack Obama. For many, the embarrassment of being helped by a black man outweighs the good created by the actual help.

"I don't want Obamacare," said angry white Gayle Harnisch of Pensacola. "What am I supposed to tell my children? That I got insurance from a black man? No way. I'd rather die. Plus, I'm on Medicare anyway, so I don't need government health care."

"It's time we got the government off our back and out of our doctor's offices," Trump supporter Charles Merkowski said from back of a line of people waiting to be seen at a mobile free clinic in Dothan, AL. "I don't need the government's help and I certainly don't need the help of any, you know....any.....well, let's just say we should all help our own kind," he concluded before stepping into the mobile trailer and being checked by a doctor from India.

The Affordable Care Act, a chief accomplishment of the Obama administration, included an expansion of Medicaid, which added more than 10 million formerly uninsured Americans to its rolls. But for some the embarrassment was too much.

"Look, I'll be honest with ya," whispered Kentuckian Andrew Blard looking both ways before continuing. "I just don't want to be helped by know...a....un...white. I mean, I gotta look my kids in the face. How bad would it be if I had to tell them that that life-saving surgery they're getting was made available by a black? I can't even. Thankfully, the Republicans are taking care of that and getting rid of this onerous burden on white America. Hallelujah."

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